date_range Duración del 01 de enero de 2013 al 30 de junio de 2016 (42 meses) Finalizó
euro 63.765,00 EUR

De ámbito Nacional.


Publicaciones relacionadas con el proyecto (27)

Mostrar por tipología


  1. Safe domain for projectile trajectories in a medium with quadratic drag force

    Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids

  2. Weighted inequalities for the Riesz potential on the sphere

    Integral Transforms and Special Functions

  3. Revisiting floating bodies

    Expositiones Mathematicae

  4. Hardy spaces for Fourier-Bessel expansions

    Journal d'Analyse Mathematique

  5. Fractional Laplacian on the torus

    Communications in Contemporary Mathematics


  1. Transference of fractional Laplacian regularity

    Special Functions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis

  2. Fourier-Jacobi expansions in Morrey spaces

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  3. The Riesz Transform for the Harmonic Oscillator in Spherical Coordinates

    Constructive Approximation

  4. The wave equation for the Bessel Laplacian

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  5. On Gagliardo-Nirenberg Type Inequalities

    Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications

  6. Sharp heat kernel estimates in the Fourier-Bessel setting for a continuous range of the type parameter

    Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series

  7. On sharp heat and subordinated kernel estimates in the Fourier-Bessel setting

    Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics


  1. The spectrum of the right inverse of the Dunkl operator

    Revista matemática complutense

  2. On high dimensional maximal operators

    Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis

  3. The Poisson Operator for Orthogonal Polynomials in the Multidimensional Ball

    Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications