Estrategias de Marketing, Distribución, Comercio y Consumo
Publicacions (133) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a
Assessment and diagnosis of Exclusion through Social Work: an analysis of segmentation based on cases registered using the SiSo tool
Social welfare programs and social work education at a crossroads: new approaches for a post-pandemic society (Routledge Reino Unido), pp. 75-88
Achieving behavioral intention to renewable energy through perceived costs and benefits and environmental concern
Sustainable Futures, Vol. 8
Estimated Loss of Productivity Attributed to Cardiovascular Diseases in South America
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, Vol. 121, Núm. 3
Lean manufacturing tools as drivers of social sustainability in the Mexican maquiladora industry
Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 196
Measuring Impact of Lean Manufacturing Tools for Continuous Improvement on Economic Sustainability
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 33, Núm. 4, pp. 452-474
The Power of Social Commerce: Understanding the Role of Social Word-of-Mouth Behaviors and Flow Experience on Social Media Users’ Purchase Intention
SAGE Open, Vol. 14, Núm. 3
The moderating role of employee proactive behaviour in the relationship between servant leadership and job satisfaction
International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 32, Núm. 3, pp. 422-434
The role of intellectual capital and service agility in banking service provision: the perspective of Brazilian export companies
International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 475-493
Acceptance of technology and continuous training: an empirical study in workers
Libro de resúmenes. IX Jornadas Doctorales de Campus Iberus
Analysis of training effectiveness from the perspective of managers and employees in the Colombian hospitality industry
Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 55, Núm. 3, pp. 346-354
Assessing ultrapremium red wine quality using PLS-SEM
LWT, Vol. 177
Desarrollando el potencial: Proactividad, Creatividad Y Perspectivas de Futuro en estudiantes de Formación Profesional.
III Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias Educativas, INNTED 2023
El Moot como eje central de la innovación docente en Derecho
Jornadas de Innovación Docente UR-CRIE 2023: Libro de resúmenes
El papel moderador del compromiso organizativo entre la cultura de aprendizaje y la transferencia de conocimiento
X Workshop de Jóvenes Investigadores en Economía y Empresa WJI: Programa y colección de abstracts
Influencer Marketing: El rol de la interacción para-social y del flow en la intención de compra y recomendación de los usuarios en redes sociales.
XXXII Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Cientifica: Abraçar Oportunidades, Gerir a Incerteza Ultrapassar Desafios!: Resumo de Comunicaçoes
Job involvement and valuation of job resources: The mediating effect of satisfaction with job resources
Intangible Capital, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 189-206
La educación ambiental en las aulas universitarias: un estudio empírico
Jornadas de Innovación Docente UR-CRIE 2023: Libro de resúmenes
Lean Manufacturing Tools Applied to Human Resource Management and its Impact on Social Sustainability
Enfoque UTE, Vol. 14, Núm. 4, pp. 44-52
Learning culture and knowledge transfer: the role of Colombian employees’ attitudes
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Liderazgo de servicio y bienestar laboral: El papel mediador del compromiso organizativo
Trabajo decente. Hacia la dignidad y la realización de la persona trabajadora (Tirant lo Blanch), pp. 131-152