date_range Iraupena 2012(e)ko urtarrila-(a)k 01-(e)tik 2015(e)ko apirila-(a)k 30-(e)ra izan da (40 months) Amaitu
euro 47.190,00 EUR



(59) proiektuarekin lotutako argitalpenak

Erakutsi tipologiaren arabera


  1. On a generalization of the Steffensen method on banach spaces

    Civil-Comp Proceedings

  2. Approximation of inverse operators by a new family of high-order iterative methods

    Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications

  3. On a family of high-order iterative methods under gamma conditions with applications in denoising

    Numerische Mathematik

  4. Improving the applicability of the secant method to solve nonlinear systems of equations

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  5. Extending the applicability of Gauss-Newton method for convex composite optimization on Riemannian manifolds

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  6. A Semilocal Convergence for a Uniparametric Family of Efficient Secant-Like Methods

    Journal of Function Spaces

  7. Robust semi-local convergence analysis for inexact Newton method

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  8. Convergence of the relaxed Newton's method

    Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society

  9. Majorizing sequences for Newton's method under centred conditions for the derivative

    International Journal of Computer Mathematics

  10. An hybrid method that improves the accessibility of Steffensen's method

    Numerical Algorithms

  11. A new class of secant-like methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations

    Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

  12. How to Improve the Domain of Starting Points for Steffensen's Method

    Studies in Applied Mathematics

  13. A Traub type result for one-point iterative methods with memory

    Analysis and Applications

  14. Increasing the applicability of Steffensen's method

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  15. Frozen Iterative Methods Using Divided Differences "à la Schmidt-Schwetlick"

    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

  16. Influence of the multiplicity of the roots on the basins of attraction of Newton's method

    Numerical Algorithms

  17. Different anomalies in a Jarratt family of iterative root-finding methods

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  18. Real qualitative behavior of a fourth-order family of iterative methods by using the convergence plane

    Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

  19. Two-step Newton methods

    Journal of Complexity

  20. A semilocal convergence result for Newton's method under generalized conditions of Kantorovich

    Journal of Complexity


  1. Métodos iterativos aplicados a la ecuación de Kepler

    Diloné Alvarado, Manuel Aurelio

  2. El método de Chebyshev para el cálculo de las raíces de ecuaciones no lineales

    García Olivo, Martín

  3. Mejoras de los dominios de puntos de salida de métodos iterativos que no utilizan derivadas

    Velasco del Olmo, Ana Isabel

  4. Estudio de la dinámica del método de Newton amortiguado

    Magreñán Ruiz, Ángel Alberto

  5. On a two-step relaxed Newton-type method

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  6. Reducing chaos and bifurcations in newton-type methods

    Abstract and Applied Analysis

  7. Chebyshev-Secant-type Methods for Non-differentiable Operators

    Milan Journal of Mathematics

  8. General convergence conditions of Newton's method for m-Fréchet differentiable operators

    Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

  9. Complex dynamics of derivative-free methods for nonlinear equations

    Applied Mathematics and Computation

  10. A general semilocal convergence result for Newton’s method under centered conditions for the second derivative

    Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

  11. On the local convergence of Newton's method under generalized conditions of Kantorovich

    Applied Mathematics Letters

  12. Semilocal convergence of secant-like methods for differentiable and nondifferentiable operator equations

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  13. Construction of derivative-free iterative methods from Chebyshev's method

    Analysis and Applications

  14. On the efficiency of two variants of Kurchatov's method for solving nonlinear systems

    Numerical Algorithms

  15. On the semilocal convergence of Newton–Kantorovich method under center-Lipschitz conditions

    Applied Mathematics and Computation