date_range Duración do 01 de xaneiro de 2015 ao 30 de xuño de 2018 (42 meses) Rematou
euro 145.200,00 EUR

De ámbito Nacional.


Publicacións relacionadas co proxecto (15)

Mostrar por anualidade


  1. Formation and Accumulation of Acetaldehyde and Strecker Aldehydes during Red Wine Oxidation 2018

    Frontiers in Chemistry

  2. The kinetics of oxygen and SO2 consumption by red wines. What do they tell about oxidation mechanisms and about changes in wine composition? 2018

    Food Chemistry

  3. Chemo-sensory approach for the identification of chemical compounds driving green character in red wines 2018

    Food Research International

  4. Chemo-sensory characterization of fractions driving different mouthfeel properties in red wines 2017

    Food Research International

  5. Cross-modal interactions and effects of the level of expertise on the perception of bitterness and astringency of red wines 2017

    Food Quality and Preference

  6. Oxygen and SO2 Consumption Rates in White and Rosé Wines: Relationship with and Effects on Wine Chemical Composition 2017

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

  7. Sensory and chemical drivers of wine minerality aroma: An application to Chablis wines 2017

    Food Chemistry

  8. Evaluation of the impact of initial red wine composition on changes in color and anthocyanin content during bottle storage 2016

    Food Chemistry

  9. Sensory interactions between six common aroma vectors explain four main red wine aroma nuances 2016

    Food Chemistry

  10. Understanding quality judgements of red wines by experts: Effect of evaluation condition 2016

    Food Quality and Preference

  11. Oxygen Consumption by Red Wines. Part II: Differential Effects on Color and Chemical Composition Caused by Oxygen Taken in Different Sulfur Dioxide-Related Oxidation Contexts 2015

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

  12. Oxygen Consumption by Red Wines. Part I: Consumption Rates, Relationship with Chemical Composition, and Role of SO2 2015

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Capítulo de libro

  1. Wine Quality Perception: a Sensory point of view 2016

    Wine Safety, Consumer Preference, and Human Health