date_range Duración do 31 de decembro de 2005 ao 31 de decembro de 2008 (36 meses) Rematado
euro 33.320,00 EUR


Publicacións relacionadas co proxecto (15)

Mostrar por tipoloxía


  1. Building a lexical database of Old English: issues and landmarks

    Current projects in historicallexicography

  2. Lexical negation in Old English

    North-Western European language evolution. Supplement


  1. Affixal nouns in old English

    González Torres, Elisa

  2. Contructions, co-composition and merge

    Deconstructing constructions

  3. Deconstructing constructions

    John Benjamins


  1. Alternations, relatedness and motivation

    Where grammar meets discourse: functional and cognitive perspectives

  2. El sufijo "ness" en la derivación léxica del inglés antiguo


  3. Old english semantic primes

    Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos