Publicaciones en las que colabora con Elisa Sáinz García (43)


  1. Antibacterial effect of Plasma Activated Water against L. monocytogenes and E. faecalis

    4th Workshop on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture (PlAGRI). 20-22 May Belgrade (Serbia)

  2. Effects of video game-based learning on project management in engineering

    EDULEARN24 Proceedings

  3. PAW generator semi-industrial prototype

    3rd Annual Meeting of the COST action CA20114 “Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas” (PlasTher). (3º. 2024. Budapest)

  4. Plasma Activated Water for wine barrels disinfection

    LWT, Vol. 198

  5. Reduce friction in silk suture threads via atmospheric pressure plasma-polymerization coatings

    3rd Annual Meeting of the COST action CA20114 “Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas” (PlasTher). 10-13 June Budapest (Hungary)

  6. The role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in bacteria inactivation by PAW

    3rd Annual Meeting of the COST action CA20114 “Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas” (PlasTher). 10-13 June Budapest (Hungary)

  7. Wine quality implications of the treatment of oak wood with plasma activated water (PAW): A preliminary study

    LWT, Vol. 205


  1. Bactericidal activity against Listeria spp. using Plasma Activated Water

    XXXV International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases: ICPIG

  2. Bubbles-PAW for L.monocytogenes inactivation

    2nd Annual Meeting of the COST Action 20114 "Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas" - PlasTHER (Abstracts)

  3. Low-friction coatings on medical needles through atmospheric-pressure plasma-polymerization technology

    Plasma Processes and Polymers, Vol. 20, Núm. 9

  4. Organoleptic characterization of wines in contact with oak wood fragments immersed in plasma activated water (PAW)

    Congreso Mundial de la Viña y el Vino: 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine: Book of Abstracts

  5. Organoleptic characterization of wines in contact with oak wood fragments immersed in plasma activated water (PAW)

    BIO Web of Conferences

  6. Wine corks decontamination using plasma activated water

    Current Research in Food Science, Vol. 7


  1. Development and characterization of anti-biofilm coatings applied by Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Plasma on stainless steel

    Food Research International, Vol. 152

  2. Forest material treatment by PAW

    9th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC-9) joint with COST Action CA19110 Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture (PlAgri)

  3. Long-term antimicrobial effect of plasma-activated water generated with two different plasma-water interactions

    9th International Conference on Plasma Medicine - ICPM9 2022

  4. PAW decontamination for materials used in beverage industry

    36th EFFoST International Conference: Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future

  5. Promotion of biofilm production via atmospheric-pressure plasma-polymerization for biomedical applications

    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 581

  6. Slip resistance improvement for shoe outsoles through atmospheric-pressure plasma treatments

    Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies (SICT 2022), Plasma Processing and Technology (Plasma-Tech 2022) and Tribology International (Tribology 2022) Hybrid Joint Conferences 2022