El Banco de Alimentos de La RiojaAnálisis DAFO y propuestas de mejora
- Queiruga, Dolores 1
- Eguiluz López, David 2
- Rocha Valencia, Luz Amira 3
Universidad de La Rioja
- 2 Deloitte, Departamento de Business Process Outsourcing
- 3 Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
ISSN: 0210-8550
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Zenbakia: 168
Orrialdeak: 7-24
Mota: Artikulua
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The economic crisis has caused an increase in the number of people needing food. This implies that non-profit organizations like the Food Bank, should improve their management to address these needs. One of the most popular tools to identify potential areas for improvement is the SWOT analy-sis. This case study, in cooperation with the Food Bank and using multiple sources of information, proposes improvement areas to the organization to overcome potential threats and weaknesses.