Projecte MTM2014-59433-C2-2-P MAPSH
Sistemas dinámicos hamiltonianos: métodos y aplicaciones en física atómica y molecular y otros campos de interes. Hamiltonian dynamical systems: methods and applications in atomic and molecular physics and other fields of interest.
Duració del 01 de de gener de 2015 al 30 de d’abril de 2018
(40 mesos)
Va finalitzar
31.097,00 EUR
D'àmbit Nacional.
Publicacions relacionades amb el projecte (11)
Mostra per tipologia2019
Effects of a soft-core coulomb potential on the dynamics of a hydrogen atom near a metal surface
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Satellite capture as a restricted 2 + 2 body problem
Advances in Space Research
Energy transfer mechanisms in a dipole chain: From energy equipartition to the formation of breathers
Physical Review E
Stability of the permanent rotations of an asymmetric gyrostat in a uniform Newtonian field
Applied Mathematics and Computation
On the Stability of a Class of Permanent Rotations of a Heavy Asymmetric Gyrostat
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
Analysis of the classical phase space and energy transfer for two rotating dipoles with and without external electric field
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Driving the formation of the RbCs dimer by a laser pulse: A nonlinear-dynamics approach
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Stability of permanent rotations of a heavy asymmetric gyrostat
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences
A capture model for irregular moons based on a restricted 2+2 body problem and its statistical analysis
Kanaan, Wafaa
Lieb-Liniger-like model of quantum solvation in CO-4HeN clusters
Journal of Chemical Physics
On the stability of periodic Hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom in the case of degeneracy
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics