Argitalpenak (103) Jesús Rubén Berenguer Marín argitalpenak


  1. Biological Study of New Cationic Bis-Difluorophenylpyridinate Ir(III) Complexes

    XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química - RSEQ 2022 (Abstracts book)

  2. Highly Emissive Hybrid Mesoporous Organometallo-Silica Nanoparticles for Bioimaging

    XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química - RSEQ 2022 (Abstracts book)

  3. Highly emissive hybrid mesoporous organometallo-silica nanoparticles for bioimaging

    Materials Advances

  4. Photocatalytic activity under visible light of five functionalized materials with an iridium(III) complex

    XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química - RSEQ 2022 (Abstracts book)

  5. Synthesis of Mesoporous Organometallo-Titanias Using Ir(III) Complexes and Their Applications in Photocatalysis

    XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química - RSEQ 2022 (Abstracts book)

  6. Synthesis of nanostructured organometallo-titania hybrid materials and their application in dye degradation

    XXVI Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química: Congreso Internacional, 16, 17, 18 noviembre 2022, Santiago de Compostela : [libro de resúmenes]

  7. Versatile Biogenic Electrolytes for Highly Performing and Self-Stable Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells

    Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 32, Núm. 29


  1. Cationic IrIII complexes as potential theranostic systems: optical and biological properties

    24th Virtual Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (EuCOMC XXIV Virtual Conference). 2021 on September 1st - 3rd. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). Book of Abstracts

  2. Complejos ciclometalados de Ir (III) con propiedades potencialmente teranósticas

    XI Jornada de Química CISQ

  3. Iridio y sílica: catálisis a la luz de los leds

    XI Jornada de Química CISQ

  4. Síntesis de nuevos materiales híbridos de IR(III) y su aplicación en fotooxidación con luz visible

    XI Jornada de Química CISQ