Departamento: Filologías Modernas

Área: Filoloxía Inglesa

Grupo de investigación: Representaciones de Identidades en Textos Literarios y Fílmicos de Habla Inglesa

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Doutora pola Universidad de La Rioja coa tese La contribución de Ralph Cudworth a la génesis de la poética del símbolo en Samuel Taylor Coleridge un estudio sobre las fuentes británicas del Platonismo romántico inglés 2006. Dirixida por Dr. Pedro Santana Martínez.

My main research interests include Romantic literary theory and poetry, the connections between Romanticism and twentieth century literature as well as the Anglo-Hispanic literary exchanges. My book "Plastic Intellectual Breeze. The Contribution of Ralph Cudworth to S. T. Coleridge’s Early Poetics of the Symbol" (Peter Lang), was published in 2008. Since then, I have been working on the Anglo-Spanish literary connections during the Romantic period. Currently, I am working as PI2 in the Research Proyect "Hispanic Literature in the British Romantic Periodical Press" funded by the Ministry of Science (RTI2018-097450-B-I00).