Fachbereich: Filologías Modernas

Bereich: Englische Philologie

Forschungsgruppe: Representaciones de Identidades en Textos Literarios y Fílmicos de Habla Inglesa

Email: cristina.flores@unirioja.es

Persönliche Website: http://lhibro.uva.es/

Doktorin von der Universidad de La Rioja mit der Dissertation La contribución de Ralph Cudworth a la génesis de la poética del símbolo en Samuel Taylor Coleridge un estudio sobre las fuentes británicas del Platonismo romántico inglés 2006. unter der Leitung von Dr. Pedro Santana Martínez.

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My main research interests include British Romanticism as well as the Anglo-Spanish literary and cultural exchanges. My book Plastic Intellectual Breeze. The Contribution of R. Cudworth to S. T. Coleridge’s Early Poetics of the Symbol resulting from my PhD dissertation was published in 2008 by Peter Lang. My inclusion in 2006 as a research member in the project “The Reception of English Literature in Spain in the XVIII and XIX centuries” (VA015B05), directed by María Eugenia Perojo Arronte, fostered my interest in the relations between British and Spanish literatures. As a continuation of this project, in 2011 I was granted funding as IP for the project “The Legacy of Anglo-American Romanticism in XX century Spain: Literature and Cinema” (API11/07) which consolidated my expertise in the field of the Anglo-Spanish literary and cultural exchange. Since then, I collaborate with the European project “The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe” (dir. Elinor Shaffer) and the international research network “Anglo-Hispanic Horizons, 1780-1840”. In the context of these projects and international collaborations, I have explored the presence of Anglo-American romantic authors in different periods and aspects of the literary production of twentieth-century Spanish authors. The results have been published in high-impact journals and publishing houses such as Journal of English Studies, Coleridge Bulletin, Rodopi, Comparative Critical Studies, The E. A. Poe Review , Oxford University Press , Blake Quarterly or Bloomsbury Academics Later, as part of the research work conducted as a member of the project BITAE II (FFI201347806R), I undertook the study of the presence of Lope de Vega in British Romanticism and, as a result, a paper co-authored with J. González García, was published in Bulletin of Spanish Studies (2020). My interest in travel writing as a vehicle of Anglo-Spanish exchanges led me to co-edit the first modern and critical edition of Southey’s Letters Written During a Short Residence in Spain and Portugal (Routledge, 2021), and a paper in Romanticism (2021). I co-directed the project LHIBRO “La literatura hispánica en la prensa periódica británica del Romanticismo (1802–1832): Apropiación y reescritura del canon” (RTI2018-097450-B-I00) (PI1 Perojo Arronte, PI2 Flores Moreno) running from January 2018 to September 2022. Its main findings were published in the volume British Periodicals and Spanish Literature: Mapping the Romantic Canon edited by Perojo Arronte and myself (Peter Lang, 2022) and the website: http://lhibro.uva.es/. At the moment I am directing the project "Los círculos literarios del romanticismo británico y la dinámica social del intercambio literario anglo-hispánico" (LHIBRO II) (PID2023-147350NB-100). I have been visiting researcher at the following UK institutions: University of London, University of Edinburgh, Cambridge University, University of Liverpool and University of Roehampton. I received positive evaluation for three six-year research periods (3 sexenios); and have organized and collaborated in numerous transfer activities addressed to a non-academic general audience.