Department: Agriculture and Food

Area: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Research group: Resistencia a los Antibióticos desde el enfoque One Health


Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis Nuevas resistencias de aminoglucosidos mediadas por fosfo-transferasas en 3' 1989. Supervised by Dr. Fernando Baquero Mochales.

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PhD in Pharmacy (Univ. Complutense of Madrid, 1989), Especialist in Clinical Microbiology (system FIR, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid). In the present: Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of La Rioja (UR), since 2003; Coordinator in the UR of the Research Group “Antimicrobial Resistance, Food Security and Public Health”; Member of “Consejo Científico Asesor, Fundación Gadea por la Ciencia”, since 2019. Academic member of the “Academia de Farmacia del Reino de Aragón” since 2012. She has been president of GEMARA (Spanish group for the Study of Antimicrobial Action and Resistance) (2019-2021). Responsable in the UR of the Interuniversitary Doctoral Program on Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, since 2013. Participate in several working groups of the National Spanish Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance (PRAN). Positions in the past: Research Fellow in the Medical Center of the University of Chicago (1985/86, one year, fellowship FIS), Pharmaceutical Internal Resident (FIR) in Clinical Microbiology (1982-1985, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid); Facultative specialist in Clinical Microbiology (Amb Pedroches/Hospital Severo-Ochoa, Leganés, 1987). Professor of University (different categories) since 1988 (Univ. Zaragoza/Univ La Rioja). Coordinator of Molecular Microbiology group in the Center of Biomedical Research of La Rioja during the period 2008-2016. Scientific production: Publications in JCR journals: 493 (>16500 cites, h index 64). Thesis supervised: 35 thesis (21 with “Mención Europea/Internacional”, 8 with “Extraordinary Award of doctorate”, and 3 with Awards of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors”). Coauthor of a Spanish patent on nanoparticles with antimicrobial activity. National/International Research Projects: 30 (in 25 as principal researcher). Member of the JPIAMR-VI Surveillance Network-2018-H2020 "Towards Developing an-International Environmental AMR Surveillance Strategy" (coordinator: W.Gaze, Univ. Exerter, UK). Participation in national/international congresses and invited conferences (>1000). Research lineages: 1) Characterization of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms and mobilization of resistance genes; 2) Antimicrobial resistance from the ONE HEALT perspective: humans-animals-food-environment 3) Bacterial molecular ecology; 4) New antimicrobials and new therapeutical alternatives; 5) Antimicrobial peptides; 6) Intestinal microbiota; 7) Antimicrobial resistance and food security. Coordinator in the creation of a Research Unit on Antimicrobial Resistance in the University of Tunis (Integrated Action and interuniversity projects of AECID), and coordination of formative courses/symposiums for Magrebian researchers (2003-2013). Colaboration with many research groups at national and international level, with groups of Europe (Portugal, France, Italy, UK, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland …), America (USA, Canadá, Mexico, Peru, Brasil, Chile), and Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Nigeria & Senegal) in the field of antimicrobial resistance and molecular epidemiology of bacteria. Supervisor of more than 75 PhD and master students of foreign universities (through different cooperation and research programs). Participation as expert in different study groups of the European Agency for Food Security (EFSA) in the field of antimicrobial resistance and food security. Member of COESANT (Spanish group for antimicrobial susceptibility, until January 2016). Expert in the National Plan of Antimicrobial Resistance (PRAN), participating in several groups. She has participated in the Organization and Scientific Committee of National and International congresses and symposia. She and her group has received different research prizes, among then, the Award PRAN for the "Best Initiative in the Fight against Antibiotic Resistance in the Environme