First mover advantages, competitive strategy and firm performance

  1. Gómez Villascuerna, Jaime 1
  2. Pérez-Aradros Muro, Beatriz 1
  3. Salazar Terreros, Idana 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


XXVII Congreso de ACEDE 2017. Estrategia, Cambio y Redes Empresariales. Aranjuez (Madrid), 18-20 de junio de 2017. Libro de resúmenes
  1. Luis Ángel Guerras Martín (ed. lit.)
  2. José Emilio Navas López (ed. lit.)

Argitaletxea: Asociación de Economía y Dirección de Empresas

ISBN: 978-84-697-3588-6

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Orrialdeak: 95

Biltzarra: XXVII Congreso de ACEDE 2017. Estrategia, Cambio y Redes Empresariales. Aranjuez (Madrid), 18-20 de junio de 2017

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The idea that first moving can create sustainable competitive advantage is frequently used byboth managers and academics. However, research on order of entry advantages concludesthat they are by no means an inevitable result. In particular, it points to the role that thecompetitive strategies used by first movers and followers in eroding the advantage of thepioneer. Surprisingly, the role of business models and competitive strategies has usually beenoverlooked. The objective of this paper is to explore the use of entry and postentry competitivestrategies by first movers and followers. We argue that, on average, first movers will be betteroff by using strategies in which differentiation is a key feature (i.e. differentiation or hybrid).We also propose that, hybrid strategies are the most effective in coping with competition fromfollowers.