Efectos del Acido a-lipoico sobre el metabolismo lipídico y la biogénesis mitocondrial en adipocitosestudio de los mecanismos moleculares implicados

  1. Fernández Galilea, Marta
Supervised by:
  1. María Jesús Moreno Aliaga Director
  2. Patricia Pérez Matute Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2013

  1. María Puy Portillo Baquedano Chair
  2. Matilde Bustos Secretary
  3. Ricardo Rueda Cabrera Committee member
  4. Cedric Moro Committee member
  5. María Jose Iraburu Elizalde Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 116261 DIALNET lock_openDadun editor


α-lipoic acid (5-(1,2-dithiolan-3-yl)-pentanoic acid) is a natural occurring compound which possesses antioxidant properties. Moreover, anti-obesity properties in both rodents and humans have been attributed to α-lipoic acid being adipose tissue a target for this compound. In this context, the present study has demonstrated the ability of α-LA to modulate lipid metabolism in both murine and human white adipocytes. Thus, α-LA: 1) Inhibits fatty acids uptake (through CD36 downregulation); 2) Reduces fatty acids esterification into triglycerides (through DGAT1 reduction); 3) Decreases de novo lipogenesis (induced by inhibition of FAS, SCD1 and ACC mediated by AMPK activation); 4) Stimulates lipolysis (mainly mediated by the phosphorylation of HSL through cAMP-mediated activation of PKA, probably through the inhibition of AdPLA and PGE2; 5) Increases fatty acid oxidation machinery (CPT1 and ACOX) in white adipocytes; 6) Promotes mitochondrial biogenesis by the activation of PGC-1α mediated by SIRT1 and AMPK activation; and 7) Induces a brown-like remodelling in white subcutaneous adipocytes from overweight/obese subjects. Taking together all of these facts suggest that α-LA remodels adipocyte metabolism towards oxidation rather than storage, and this could contribute to the anti-obesity properties of α-LA.