Influencia del tipo de suelo en el estado nutricional de la vid, el desarrollo vegetativo, la producción, la composición de la uva y de los vinos de la variedad Tempranillo tinto (Vitis vinífera L.) en el ámbito de la D.O.Ca Rioja

  1. Martínez Vidaurre, José María
Supervised by:
  1. Enrique García-Escudero Domínguez Director
  2. Fernando Peregrina Alonso Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de La Rioja

Fecha de defensa: 28 September 2017

  1. Vicente Sotés Ruiz Chair
  2. Vicente Santiago Marco Mancebón Secretary
  3. Paloma Bescansa Miquel Committee member
  1. Agriculture and Food
Doctoral Programme:
  1. Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ecosistemas Agrícolas Sostenibles

Type: Thesis

Institutional repository: lock_openOpen access Editor


The influence of soil types and climate on the development of the vineyard and on the quality of the grapes and wine is little studied in the world, Spanish vineyard and, consequently, in the D.O.Ca. Rioja. Therefore, the objective of this work was to study simultaneously the factors: soil type and climate in the development of the grapevine and in the composition of the must and the wine of the variety Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) during the period 2010-2013, within the scope of the DOCa.Rioja. For this, 17 wine parcels were selected in relation to the taxonomic units of a detailed mapping of soils of the study area. In each plot, the study was carried out in 7 subgroups, belonging to the orders Alfisoles, Mollisoles and Inceptisols. In addition, the physical-chemical characteristics of the different horizons were analyzed and the useful water reserve of each profile was determined. The influence of climate was evaluated by the variation between vintages and the effect of the soil at plot and subgroup level within each year. Measurements of basal water potential and evaluation of the nutritional status of the vine in the veraison, and the components of vigor and yield were carried out. Likewise, musts were analyzed in vintage and elaborated wines on a small scale and at the level of experimental bidega. The results that the climate factor considered by the differences between vintages, showed that the years of greater precipitation increased the acidity of musts and wines. As for the subgroups of soils, the fluventic Haploxererepts presented a different response with greater vigor, higher yield and lower content of polyphenols and anthocyanins than Palerexalfs and Palerexolls. In terms of physicochemical characteristics, effective depth and useful water reserve were associated with higher vigor, yield and lower content of polyphenols and anthocyanins in grape and wine, while the available nitrogen was negatively correlated with polyphenol content and Anthocyanins and K of soil change was related to K in leaf tissue, and K in grape. With this result, it can be concluded that the effect of climate and soil type is highly significant in terms of all agronomic and oenological parameters, with special relevance in the nutritional and water status of the grapevine, vigor and performance parameters , The components of acidity and color of musts and wines. Justifying these results the need to characterize the soils of vineyard in order to evaluate the different productions and qualities of wine that can be given in the D.O.Ca. Rioja.