La formación del profesor en el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las aulas

  1. Lopez Castillo, Dina Lorena
Supervised by:
  1. Rafael Alvira Domínguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 20 March 2012

  1. Charo Repáraz Abaitua Chair
  2. Josu Ahedo Ruiz Secretary
  3. Fernando Moreno Ramiro Committee member
  4. Raúl Santiago Campión Committee member
  5. Alfredo Rodríguez Sedano Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 114011 DIALNET lock_openDadun editor


The current thesis provides us with the social foundation of the educational aspects that make it difficult to obtain quality education in Guatemalan society, the reason for which we have made the figure of the professor and his continuing formation in the use of new information and communication technology in pedagogical activity central to the study. We make a relation between technology and information and their integration in the curricula in secondary schools so as to give a better outlet to these technologies that form part of the social ambient of the youth.