Ignacio Larráyoz Roldán-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (6)


  1. Adjustment of Friction Models in Elastomers Using the Finite Element Method and Model Updating Techniques

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  2. Adjustment of Friction Models in Elastomers Using the Finite Element Method and Model Updating Techniques

    Advances in Design Engineering II: Proceedings of the XXX International Congress INGEGRAF, 24-25 June, 2021, Valencia, Spain

  3. Finite Element Model Proposed for Determine the Rotational Equilibrium Around of the Subtalar Joint Axis (SJA)

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  4. Semiautomatic Modeling of Bone Tissue from Medical Image for Finite Element Method Based Biomechanical Studies

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  5. Semiautomatic Modeling of Bone Tissue from Medical Image for Finite Element Method Based Biomechanical Studies

    Advances in Design Engineering II: Proceedings of the XXX International Congress INGEGRAF, 24-25 June, 2021, Valencia, Spain