Capítulos de Libro (14) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. Cognitive Linguistics and the use of corpora: a brief survey

    In Baicchi, Annalisa, Cristiano Broccias, Andrea Sansò (eds.). 2005. Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning, Milano: Franco Angeli (Franco Angeli), pp. 170-181

  2. Conceptual interaction, cognitive operations and projection spaces

    In Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. and Peña Cervel, Sandra (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction. Cognitive Linguistics Research. Berlin/New York (Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 254-280

  3. Construing meaning through conceptual mappings

    Lengua y sociedad : investigaciones recientes en la lingüistica aplicada (Secretariado de Publicaciones), pp. 19-38

  4. Damas y doncellas. Para una configuración de la vamp en la literatura medieval francesa

    Los hábitos del deseo: formas de amar en la modernidad (Excultura), pp. 243-256

  5. Dialogue Between E. Waugh and G. Greene: two Different Approaches to Art and Religion in "Brideshead Revisited" and "The End of the Affair"

    Waugh without End: new Trends in Evelyn Waugh studies (Peter Lang), pp. 181-191

  6. Emma Bovary's and Brenda Last's Reception: the Affective Fallacy

    Waugh without End: new Trends in Evelyn Waugh studies (Peter Lang), pp. 103-113

  7. Fatherhood: a Way to Sanctity in Bill Anderson's Adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's "Sword of Honour"

    Waugh without End: new Trends in Evelyn Waugh studies (Peter Lang), pp. 259-273

  8. Graham Greene, a cinematic novelist: some theoretical aspects of the influence of cinema on Greene's flction

    Estudios de literatura en lengua inglesa de los siglos XX y XXI (8) (Centro Buendía), pp. 377-384

  9. Introduction. As strong as its foundations, as wide as its scope

    Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction, pp. 1-13

  10. La ville de Nájera: histoire et fiction sur la route de Saint-Jacques

    Relações Literárias Franco-Peninsulares, pp. 129-150

  11. Lex30 and P_Lex: Two Electronic Vocabulary Assessing Instruments for EFL/ESL Teachers

    Panorama de las lenguas en la enseñanza superior (Universidad Antonio Nebrija), pp. 308-318

  12. Lexical errors, their classification and pedagogical applications

    Re-interpretations of English: essays on language, linguistics and philology (Servizo de Publicacións), pp. 13-35

  13. Linguistic interpretation and cognition

    In Croitoru, Elena, Tuchel, Daniela and Praisler, Michaela (eds.). Cultural Matrix Reloaded. Romanian Society for English and American Studies. Seventh International Conference. Bucarest: Didactica Si Pedagogica (DIDACTICA SI PEDAGOGICA), pp. 36-64

  14. Textual Indicators of Characterisation: a Narratological Approach to "Brideshead Revisited"

    Waugh without End: new Trends in Evelyn Waugh studies (Peter Lang), pp. 147-154