Publicaciones en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universidad Complutense de Madrid (36)


  1. Consumer acceptance of robotic surgeons in health services

    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. 11, Núm. 1


  1. "Trolling": ¿Y si Cristiano Ronaldo fuera uno de ellos?

    Mala conducta: el lado oscuro del usuario digital (ESIC Editorial), pp. 159-180

  2. Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccine in Spain: correlational and configurational analyses

    International Journal of Public Health Science, Vol. 12, Núm. 2, pp. 654-662

  3. Comparative analyses of holder pasteurization vs. HTST pasteurization for donor milk: a cost-minimization study applicable to human milk banks

    International breastfeeding journal, Vol. 18, Núm. 1, pp. 20

  4. Conventional vs. disruptive products: a wearables and insideables acceptance analysis: Understanding emerging technological products

    Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. 35, Núm. 12, pp. 1663-1675

  5. El fenómeno del postureo en las redes sociales: no siempre es oro todo lo que reluce

    Mala conducta: el lado oscuro del usuario digital (ESIC Editorial), pp. 199-216


  1. Citizens’ Perception of COVID-19 Passport Usefulness: A Cross Sectional Study

    Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 12, Núm. 5

  2. Correlational and Configurational Analysis of Factors Influencing Potential Patients’ Attitudes toward Surgical Robots: A Study in the Jordan University Community

    Mathematics, Vol. 10, Núm. 22

  3. Is a Video Worth More Than a Thousand Images? A Neurophysiological Study on the Impact of Different Types of Product Display on Consumer Behaviour in e-Commerce

    Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics

  4. Is a Video Worth More Than a Thousand Images? A Neurophysiological Study on the Impact of Different Types of Product Display on Consumer Behaviour in.

    Martínez-López, F.J, and Martinez, L.F. e-Commerce in Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, (Third International Conference), pp. 300-306

  5. Serás un cíborg

    Impactos del transhumanismo en la empresa y la sociedad: claves para entender el transhumanismo (Tecnos), pp. 29-46

  6. Serás un trabajador transhumanista

    Impactos del transhumanismo en la empresa y la sociedad: claves para entender el transhumanismo (Tecnos), pp. 83-98

  7. Transformación digital y gestión del conocimiento

    Leveraging new business technology for a sustainable economic recovery


  1. A multi-stakeholder multicriteria decision analysis for the reimbursement of orphan drugs (FinMHU-MCDA study)

    Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, Vol. 16, Núm. 1

  2. Análisis de la aceptación del pasaporte de inmunidad ante la covid-19 con una escala ética múltiple.

    Managing the future: challenges and proposals for post-pandemic society: 13-16 December, 2021 Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), pp. 417-432

  3. Assessment of ethical on the intention to use of wearables

    Moving technology ethics at the forefront of society, organisations and governments

  4. Cyborg Acceptance in Healthcare Services: The Use of Cyborg as A Surgeon

    Moving technology ethics at the forefront of society, organisations and governments

  5. Elaboración de materiales para el fomento y la evaluación en línea de la orientación emprendedora del estudiantado de la Universidad de La Rioja en primer curso de grado

    Elaboración de materiales para el fomento y la evaluación en línea de la orientación emprendedora del estudiantado de la Universidad de La Rioja en primer curso de grado

  6. Ethical attitudes toward COVID-19 passports: Evidences from Spain

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, Núm. 24

  7. Ethics, Intellectual Capital and Intelligent Companies

    Moving technology ethics at the forefront of society, organisations and governments