date_range Dauer von 13 von Dezember von 2004 bis 12 von Dezember von 2007 (36 Monate)
euro 61.272,00 EUR


Publikationen im Zusammenhang mit dem Projekt (20)

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  1. Looking back at 30 years of Cognitive Linguistics 2010

    Elżbieta Tabakowska, Michał Choiński, Łukasz Wiraszka (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics in Action: from Theory to Application and Back. Berlín/Nueva York: Mouton de Gruyter; 13-70.

  2. Cross-linguistic analysis, second language teaching and cognitive semantics: the case of Spanish diminutives and reflexive constructions 2008

    In Sabine De Knop and Teun De Rycker (eds.). Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar - Volume in Honour of René Dirven. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter

  3. Grammatical metonymy within the 'action' frame in English and Spanish 2008

    In González Álvarez, E; Mackenzie, L and Gómez González, M.A. (eds.). Current Trends in Contrastive Linguistics:Functional and Cognitive Perspectivas

  4. Metáfora, metonimia y niveles de razonamiento 2008

    Prototipos: lenguaje y representación en las personas ciegas

  5. High-level metonymies in the understanding of modality : a cross-linguistics analysis. 2007

    Perspectives on Metonymy: Proceedings of the International Conference 'Perspectives on Metonymy' / Kosecki, K. (ed.)Munich: Peter Lang.

  6. Illocutionary Constructions: Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization 2007

    Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Intercultural Aspects / Kecskes, Istvan, and Laurence Horn (eds.).Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2007

  7. High level cognitive models: in search of a unified framework for inferential and grammatical behavior 2007

    Perspectives on Metonymy/ Kosecki, Krzysztof (ed.) Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang (Lodz Studies in Language)

  8. High-level metaphor and metonymy in meaning construction 2007

    Aspects of Meaning Construction in Lexicon and Grammar. G. Radden, K. M. Köpcke, T. Berg and P. Siemund. (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins

  9. Lexical representation and constructions: bridging the gap between the constructional and process models of grammar 2006

    A pleasure of life in words: a festschrisft for Angela Downing

  10. Linguistic interpretation and cognition 2005

    In Croitoru, Elena, Tuchel, Daniela and Praisler, Michaela (eds.). Cultural Matrix Reloaded. Romanian Society for English and American Studies. Seventh International Conference. Bucarest: Didactica Si Pedagogica

  11. Construing meaning through conceptual mappings 2005

    Lengua y sociedad : investigaciones recientes en la lingüistica aplicada

  12. Cognitive Linguistics and the use of corpora: a brief survey 2005

    In Baicchi, Annalisa, Cristiano Broccias, Andrea Sansò (eds.). 2005. Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning, Milano: Franco Angeli

  13. Conceptual interaction, cognitive operations and projection spaces 2005

    In Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. and Peña Cervel, Sandra (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction. Cognitive Linguistics Research. Berlin/New York