date_range Iraupena 2006(e)ko urria-(a)k 01-(e)tik 2009(e)ko iraila-(a)k 30-(e)ra izan da (36 months) Amaitu
euro 21.780,00 EUR



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  1. Using Open Mathematical Documents to Interface Computer Algebra and Proof Assistant Systems

    Lectures Notes in Computer Science: Intelligent Computer Mathematics16th Symposium, Calculemus 2009, 8th International Conference, MKM 2009, Held as Part of CICM 2009, Grand Bend, Canada, July 6-12, 2009. Proceedings

  2. Modelling differential structures in proof assistants: The graded case

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science


  1. Formal Modelling of a Coordination System: from Practice to Theory, and back again

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, Volume 4457

  2. Object Oriented Institutions to Specify Symbolic Computation System

    RAIRO - Informatique Théorique et Applications

  3. Executing in Common Lisp, Proving in ACL2.

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science

  4. Formal Reasoning on a Web Coordination System

    Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering


  1. Modeling Inheritance as coercion in the Kenzo System.

    Journal of Universal Computer Science