Fachbereich: Matemáticas y Computación

Forschungsgruppe: Grupo de Teoría de Aproximación.

Email: alberto.arenas@unirioja.es

Doktor von der Universidad de La Rioja mit der Dissertation Discrete Harmonic Analysis related to classical orthogonal polynomials 2019. unter der Leitung von Dr. Óscar Ciaurri Ramírez.

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I was born in Logroño (La Rioja) in 1987. I am Bachelor of Science in Mathematics since 2013, when I read my bachelor thesis «Estudios de regiones de seguridad asociadas a trayectorias de proyectiles», achieving the first prize in the "Primer concruso 'Trabajos fin de Grado en Matemáticas de la Universidad de La Rioja'". I obtained my Master of Science degree in Mathematics in 2014 with the master thesis «Series de Fourier-Jacobi en espacios de Morrey». Five years later, in November 2019, I became Ph.D. in Mathematics when I read my doctoral dissertation «Discrete Harmonic Analysis related to Classical Orthogonal Polynomials» under the direction of Prof. Óscar Ciaurri at the University of La Rioja. It was developed at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science thanks to a pre-doctoral grant supported by the government of the Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja. In the academic year 2013-14, I started collaborating with the members of the national research project MTM2012-36732-C03-02, entitled "Ortogonalidad y aproximación: teoría y aplicaciones en ciencia y tecnología". There I had the opportunity to be introduced into the proper research methodology in mathematics, especially in non-trigonometric Fourier series and related topics. Similar subjects were in the scope of the national research project MTM2015-65888-C4-4-P, heir of the prior and entitled "Ortogonalidad, teoría de la aproximación y aplicaciones en física matemática", in which I continued collaborating. After that, I took part as a member of the 'equipo de trabajo' of the national research projet PGC2018-096504-B-C32, entitled "Ortogonalidad y aproximación: teoría y aplicaciones en física matemática". Nowadays, I am still a member of the 'equipo de trabajo' of its national research project successor PID2021-124332NB-C22, entitled "Funciones especiales, aproximación y aplicaciones". It is worth to point out that all previous projects have been part of the network "Orthonet", established in 2012 and made up by fourteen research groups supported by national projects (for more information see https://euler.us.es/~orthonet/) Throughout that time, I have the opportunity to complete some research stays. I visited the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Science, the branch in Wroclaw, where I was working with Prof. Hab. Dr. Adam Nowak. There I also have the chance to attend to the "Harmonic Analysis and Orthogonal expansions" seminar of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. I also visited the Department of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Seville in order to start a collaborative work with Prof. Renato Álvarez-Nodarse, another member of the aforementioned projects and of Orthonet. This research stay belonged among the long and fruitful relation between the members of the University de La Rioja and University of Seville, and there I could introduce myself in the fundamental aspects of mathematical physics. Regarding teaching duties, I started as non-permanent Assistant Professor in 2019 and, at this moment, I am Associate Professor of Mathematical Analysis (tenure track). I have been qualified by ANECA since 2021 for the positions of "Profesor Ayudante Doctor", "Profesor de Universidad Privada" and "Profesor Contratado Doctor". In addition, I have taken part in four innovation-teaching projects at the University of La Rioja, three of them related with the "Mathematical Olympiad". In relation with this, I have served as a tutor of several participants, grader and, just as collaborator of the "Seminario de problemas para alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato".