Department: Unidad Predepartamental de Enfermería

Area: Nursing

Research group: Grupo de investigación en Cuidados y Salud

Research group: Biomarcadores, Inteligencia Artificial y Señalización


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad Europea de Madrid with the thesis Prescripción enfermera en atención primaria del área de salud de Salamanca. Situación actual y análisis de variables 2013. Supervised by Dr. Ángela Sánchez de San Lorenzo, Dr. Máximo A. González Jurado.

Health ➡️PhD from the European University of Madrid. Faculty of Health Sciences. ➡️PhD in the Program in Medicine and Surgery. School of Medicine. Autonomous University of Madrid. Research ➡️Principal Researcher of the Health and Care Research Group. ➡️Collaborating Researcher: Management of the Bleeding Patient. IdiPeace. La Paz Research Institute. Neurophysiology and Behavior, Severe Mental Disorder. School of Medicine. University of Salamanca. La Rioja Biomedical Research Center (CIBIR) 🎓University. ➡️ Profesor Titular de Universidad (ANECA) ➡️ Interested in Psychometrics of Health and Self-Care Instruments. 📞. +34941299062 ✉️