Department: Filologías Modernas

Area: English Philology

Research group: Grupo de Investigación de Gramáticas Funcionales: Aplicaciones Sincrónicas y Diacrónicas a la Lengua Inglesa


Doctor by the Universidad de Zaragoza with the thesis SVO and passive order in english : synchronic, diachronic and typological perspectives 1993. Supervised by Dr. María Pilar Navarro Errasti.

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Professor Javier Martín Arista earned a PhD from the University of Zaragoza with a thesis on the syntax of Old English passive clauses. He teaches Old English and Linguistics at the University of La Rioja, where he has held a permanent position since 1996. Javier Martín Arista has been a research visitor at the universities of Sheffield, Pennsylvania, Buffalo-New York, Amsterdam, Toronto, York and Oxford. He has delivered lectures by invitation and as plenary speaker at several European and American universities, including Toronto (Dictionary of Old English), York (York Corpus) and Oxford. Javier Martín Arista has carried out research in theoretical linguistics, including studies in functional grammars and typology, as well as in historical linguistics, mainly focussed on the morphology, syntax and lexicology of Old English. On the side of applications, Javier Martín Arista has contributed to corpus linguistics and lexicography by means of relational lexical databases. In these areas, Javier Martín Arista has published over seventy journal articles and book chapters and has delivered over eighty conference papers, round tables, workshops and seminars. The most cited publications by Javier Martín Arista have been published in journals such as Language Sciences, Functions of Language, Language and Linguistics, NOWELE, English Studies, Studia Neophilologica, ATLANTIS, RESLA and Australian Journal of Linguistics. He has supervised eighteen doctoral dissertations, most of which dealt with the morphology, syntax and semantics of Old English, and is currently supervising another two. Professor Martín Arista is the PI of the research project Nerthus, which engages in the linguistics, lexicography and corpus analysis of Old English. At the moment, the Nerthus project is compiling a parallel corpus Old English-English and annotating it with resources and techniques of computational linguistics and natural language processing.