Domínguez Bronchal
Ikertzailea 2015-2016 tartean
Argitalpenak (6) Beatriz Domínguez Bronchal argitalpenak
To be different or to be the same when you are a small firm? Competitive interdependence as a boundary condition of the strategic balance perspective
Long Range Planning, Vol. 56, Núm. 2
When does high institutional quality explain the presence of multinational enterprises in a foreign country? Experiential and vicarious learning as boundary conditions
Strategic Organization
Multimarket pioneers: Does multimarket contact improve their performance?
Long Range Planning, Vol. 54, Núm. 2
El carácter emprendedor de los estudiantes de la Universidad de La Rioja: intenciones emprendedoras y elección de carrera
Cátedra de Emprendedores
Retaliatory entry: Determinants of entry as a competitive response
17th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM 2017). Making Knowledge Work
Tell me where you como from and I'll tell you where you're going: asymmetries in the impact of institucional distance on firm market entry
XXVII Congreso de ACEDE 2017. Estrategia, Cambio y Redes Empresariales. Aranjuez (Madrid), 18-20 de junio de 2017. Libro de resúmenes