Sentido común, compromiso, educación y clase media en los novelistas de la generación de la abundanciaEspido Freire, Andrés Neuman, Pablo Gutiérrez, Elvira Navarro y Cristina Morales. Aplicación didáctica al aula de bachillerato

  1. Rentería Garita, Cristina Alejandra
Supervised by:
  1. María del Mar Campos Fernández-Fígares Director
  2. María Remedios Sánchez García Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 17 February 2023

  1. Aurora Martínez Ezquerro Chair
  2. María del Carmen Quiles Cabrera Secretary
  3. Fernando Valverde Rodriguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 793333 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The reality of Spain after the 2008 crisis has caused that writers who were born from 1974 on (in two generations, the mileuristas and the millennials ) face a perception of their country that no longer corresponds neither to the socioeconomical nor sociocultural idea in which they were reared. These youngsters lived their childhood and rst youth within the articial belief of a solved future in a developed country, recently introduced in capitalism and democracy. Against the change of circumstances brought by the crisis, they discovered that they could not reach everything they wished, so they were led not only to an economic crisis but mostly, to and existential one. This work observes, analyses and reects on the generational disenchantment. As example, analyses the perception that ve paradigmatic writers of that generation (Espido Freire, Andrés Neuman, Pablo Gutiérrez, Elvira Navarro y Cristina Morales) portray in their novels. Educated within the historical and ideological abundance parameters of the eighties and nineties, the 2008 crisis cracked their funding paradigms and demonstrated them that canonic common senses such as meritocracy, equality of opportunities or access to the middle class though university education, were not achievable for all of them. Españistown, the place of their expectations and illusions, was a site of abundance, a fantasy that has left a mark not only on them but also on the entire Spanish society since the Transición. It has inherited existential and behavioral clichés that need to be revised. Nowadays Españistown, since its origins, do not allow to those who inhabit Spain to reorganize around new paradigms and new common senses more adjusted to their current reality, imaginaries and shared futures.