Exploration of novel candidates for photocontrolled treatment based on curcumin and cyclocurcumins.
- R. Losantos 12
- A. Pasc 3
- A. Monari 2
Universidad de La Rioja
- 2 Université de Paris and CNRS, ITODYS, F-75006 Paris, France
University of Lorraine
Editorial: Universidad de Vigo
Año de publicación: 2022
Páginas: 110
Congreso: 12th Congress on electronic structure principles and applications (ESPA 2022) & Biannual meeting of the RSEQ group in chemistry & computation. Vigo 21-24 June 2022.
Tipo: Póster de Congreso
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Cyclocurcumin is a natural compound extracted from turmeric and presenting an interestingsolvent-dependent photoswitching ability. The solvent-dependent photochemistry of cy-clocurcumin has been rationalized on the basis of a competition between π-π* and n-π*states[1]. Furthermore, we have reported the synthesis of a biomimetic analogue showing en-hanced photochemical properties and in particular presenting photoswitching capacity in vari-ous media[2]. In addition, molecular modeling and simulation, including density functionaland wavefunction based methods were used to explore the excited states potential energy sur-face landscape. We realize that with cyclocurcumin, the addition of a carbon-carbon doublebond to the core of the natural compound favors the population of the π-π* state, whatever thechoice of the solvent, and hence leads to photoisomerization, with fluorescence reduced toonly a minor channel comparing with natural derivative