Aproximación al poblamiento del género homo en Andalucía y GibraltarLos restos óseos humanos desde homo sp. Hasta homo neanderthalensis

  1. Alejandro LEÓN CRISTÓBAL
Arqueología y Territorio

ISSN: 1698-5664

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 17

Seiten: 1-20

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Arqueología y Territorio

Institutionelles Repository: lock_openOpen Access Editor


This paper shows the sites in the south of the Iberian Peninsula where human bone remains have been found. The established chronological limit runs from the first hominins population of that the territory to the arrival of the anatomically modern humans. The geographic area includes the current territories of Andalusia and Gibraltar. The remains found are the first evidence that both regions were intensely populated during ancient prehistory.

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