Análisis estratégico sobre la migración del talento en el ámbito de la Unión Europea

  1. Marta Ferrer Serrano 1
  2. María Pilar Latorre Martínez 1
  3. Ramón Hermoso Traba 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Zaragoza

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Zaragoza, España


Acciones e investigaciones sociales

ISSN: 1132-192X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 40

Pages: 173-191

Type: Article

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More publications in: Acciones e investigaciones sociales

Institutional repository: lock_openOpen access Editor


Introduction: this article focuses primarily on highlighting the importance of the mobility of human resources, especially talent, within the European Union. This is approached from the premise that the phenomenon is becoming ever more prevalent in today’s world due to the presence of a deeprooted sense of competition. Methodology: a large part of the article is devoted to the collection of data from two different perspectives: economics and education. The quantitative data is then analysed using statistical correlations (Pearson’s coefficient). Results: there are a number of findings that draw attention to the relationship between the variables forming the object of this study, particularly in the case where any significant statistical correlations emerge. Conclusion: the relationship between the macroeconomic and educational variables selected in this study throw up relevant information that reveals the general situation of the mobility of EU talent, providing a glimpse of the new challenges – both general and individual – that the member states need to tackle.

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