Asymmetrical emotions to wine PDO Rioja and consumer behavior: age acts as moderator variable?

  1. Agustín V. Ruiz Vega 1
  2. Alfonso J. Gil López 1
  3. Consuelo Riaño Gil 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling: The Conference for PLS Users. 16 June 2015 - 19 June 2015, Seville, Spain
  1. Jörg Henseler (ed. lit.)
  2. Christian Ringle (ed. lit.)
  3. José Roldán (ed. lit.)
  4. Gabriel Cepeda (ed. lit.)

Editorial: University of Twente

ISBN: 9789036540568

Año de publicación: 2015

Páginas: 29

Congreso: 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling - The Conference for PLS Users., 16 June 2015 - 19 June 2015, Seville, Spain

Tipo: Aportación congreso

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This research quantifies the influence of positive and negative emotions to-wards consumer satisfaction and buying intentions of protected designations oforigin (Rioja) wine consumers. The fieldwork was made in on-trade distributionchannels to real consumers when they were consuming wine. Results suggestthat both positive and negative emotions have a significant effect in consumersatisfaction but also in future buying intentions; in addition, the stronger influ-ence of positive emotions highlight the fact that consumers search more pleasurewhen taste wine (and may be foods and drinks en general). Surprisingly, agedoes not act as moderator variable in this market.