Hagiografía y memoriaLas " traslaciones oficiales "como generadoras de memoria histórica en el ámbito monástico castellano

  1. Isabel Ilzarbe 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España

    ROR https://ror.org/0553yr311

Nuevos trabajos en estudios medievales: historia, arte, filología, arqueología
  1. Manuel Negri (coord.)
  2. Almudena Bouzón Custodio (coord.)
  3. Luis Manuel Ibáñez Beltrán (coord.)
  4. Amalia Pérez Valiño (coord.)

Editorial: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico ; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Any de publicació: 2022

Pàgines: 213-232

Tipus: Capítol de llibre

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History and memory were closely related in the chronicle and thenarrative about the past throughout the Middle Ages. In this sense, the Cas-tilian monasteries, as centers of power and social domain, we use variousstrategies to create a story about their own past that laid the foundations oftheir prestige, highlighting especially the use of hagiographic texts on their protector saints. The objective of this work, framed in the development ofthe doctoral thesis project entitled «History, hagiography and memory in theCastilian monastic sphere», is the memorial and propagandistic function ofthe stories about the transfers and elevations of relics in medieval Castilianmonasteries. To achieve them, as described in the features described a longtime ago by J.A. García de Cortázar regarding the subgenre of the «oficialtranslations», we are going to carry out a comparative study of various ha-giographic sources, all of them related to the monastic sphere.