"Casta, pia, lanifica, domiseda"modelo ideal de feminidad en la Roma tardorrepublicana (ss. II-I a.C.)

  1. Casamayor Mancisidor, Sara
Ab Initio: Revista digital para estudiantes de Historia

ISSN: 2172-671X

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Jahr: 6

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 3-23

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Ab Initio: Revista digital para estudiantes de Historia

Institutionelles Repository: lock_openOpen Access Editor


Roman patriarchal mentality created an ideal model of femininity that all Roman women, especially matrons, should follow. This paper aims to identify the keys of such imposed model, to describe the characteristics of an exemplary matron, and also to present some examples of singular women by the end of the Roman Republic.