Eficacia de la herramienta SECLARED en la identificación y clasificación de las lesiones cutáneas relacionadas con la dependencia

Dirigida per:
  1. Francisco Pedro García Fernández Director/a
  2. Manuel Rodríguez Palma Codirector/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 24 de de maig de 2021

  1. José Javier Soldevilla Ágreda President
  2. M.ª Dolores López Franco Secretari/ària
  3. Luis Arantón Areosa Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 674668 DIALNET


OBJECTIVES: To build and validate a Training System in the Classification of Acquired and Related Dependency Injuries (SECLARED). METHODOLOGY: First phase: Creation of SECLARED through Wordpress compilation and structuring of its contents. Second phase: Validation through a non- randomized CE with intervention group (IG) (N=546) and control group (N=511) with pre and post measures in nurses and other health professionals from 15 countries. The IG underwent training in LCRD by SECLARED and the CG did not receive any training. RESULTS: First phase: A versatile, intuitive, user-friendly, reusable and free virtual platform was made available to professionals interested in improving their skills in the identification and classification of CRLDs. Second phase: At baseline, both groups had a similar level of knowledge in the identification and classification of CRLDs (CG:47.87±15.00 GI:49.54±17.12) (p=0.09). However, the GI after performing SECLARED (72.47±14.97) improved considerably with respect to the GC (46.81±16.28) and to the previous time being statistically significant (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: SECLARED has been shown to be useful and effective in improving knowledge and skills in the identification and grading of LCRD.