Las implicaciones del derecho a la desconexión digital en la prestación de trabajo y en el teletrabajo regular
Universidad de La Rioja
ISSN: 2341-135X
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakien izenburua: La incidencia de las nuevas tecnologías en las relaciones laborales : economía digital, teletrabajo y desconexión digital (II)
Zenbakia: 15
Orrialdeak: 58-83
Mota: Artikulua
beta Ver similares en nube de resultadosBeste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Derecho Social y Empresa
: In a hyper-connected society, the worker´s human condition requires that the right to rest be guaranteed. Technology must advance in a permanent process of humanization in order to face the challenge of the digital transformation of industrial relations and to maintain the delicate balance between the worker’s and employer´s rights. The lack of legal certainty in the legal framework for digital disconnection presages an increase in collective and individual labour disputes that will have to be resolved by the social jurisdiction. Meanwhile, the European Social Partners framework agreement on digitalisation suggests that, in the very near future, regulation of the worker´s digital disconnection process and the different special procedures will be the subject of negotiations in the context of collective bargaining. Thus, the final text of directive about disconnection will be conditioned by the penetration of the right in collective agreements.
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