Píldoras de economía circular en el aula para la enseñanza aplicada en sostenibilidad medioambiental

  1. Sabina Scarpellini
  2. Pilar Portillo-Tarragona
  3. Miguel Marco-Fondevila
  4. Luz María Marín-Vinuesa
  5. Jesús Valero- Gil
  6. Eva Mª Llera-Sastresa
  7. Ignacio Zabalza-Bribián
  8. Fernando Llena-Macarulla
  9. José Alfonso Aranda-Usón
Aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación como impulsores del cambio metodológico. Actas del V congreso internacional sobre aprendizaje, innovación y cooperación, CINAIC 2019
  1. Maria Luisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta
  2. Ángel Fidalgo Blanco
  3. Francisco José García Peñalvo

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-16723-77-5

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 268-272

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación (5. 2019. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


This paper presents a method to implement a collaborative development in the application of learning techniques based on applied cases of circular economy, aiming to promote environmental application in different areas and University. Applied practical activities are specifically designed and implemented by the teachers involved in this activities to introducing the principles of circular economy at the university level. In summary, the aim is creating circular economy learning ‘pills’ which are adapted to the existing practical cases, as well as developing new practical cases in graduate and postgraduate courses in order to introduce a “circular thinking” among students. The technology/business practical cases are carried out by the participating teachers and a specific assessment method is designed in order to analyse the level of consciousness of students about the circular economy.