Crystal Structure of the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain of the Human Macrophage Galactose C-Type Lectin Bound to GalNAc and the Tumor-Associated Tn Antigen

  1. Gabba, A.
  2. Bogucka, A.
  3. Luz, J.G.
  4. Diniz, A.
  5. Coelho, H.
  6. Corzana, F.
  7. Cañada, F.J.
  8. Marcelo, F.
  9. Murphy, P.V.
  10. Birrane, G.

ISSN: 1520-4995 0006-2960

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 60

Zenbakia: 17

Orrialdeak: 1327-1336

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1021/ACS.BIOCHEM.1C00009 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor