Las elecciones locales de 2019 en Aragónmás vaivenes que cambios, de nuevo por el momento

  1. Ricardo Chueca Rodríguez
Anuario aragonés del gobierno local

ISSN: 2172-6531

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 11

Páxinas: 233-289

Tipo: Artigo

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Outras publicacións en: Anuario aragonés del gobierno local


The local elections of 2019 have been developed on the same normative base, with some slight modifications in the LOREG, which does not affect the processes that we study. The population constants already known are main-tained. A large city spread out over an increasingly unpopulated territory and with a very old age structure that requires an institutional response that replicates a very demanding demand for services. This has repercussions on the actions of candidates and voters. A single electoral system, with small variations of unequal effect, returns unexpected and incongruent results from a political and representative logic. There are no changes that indicate a significant alteration in the structure of party competition.