Metodología del diseño de talleres para enseñar física y química en primaria

  1. Robredo Valgañón, Beatriz 1
  2. María del Mar Hernández Álamos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


Jornadas sobre investigación y didáctica en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas: V Congreso Internacional de Docentes del ámbito STEM. experiencias docentes y estrategias de innovación educativa para la enseñanza de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas
  1. González Montero de Espinosa, Marisa (dir.)
  2. Baratas Díaz, Alfredo (dir.)
  3. Brandi, Antonio (coord.)

Publisher: Santillana

ISBN: 978-84-680-5183-3

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 317-324

Type: Book chapter


The students of third grade in Primary Education of two academic years, designed and held workshops to teach Physics and Chemistry to students of different Primary Schools, within the subject "Didactics of Experimental Sciences: Physics and Chemistry". The result was highly satisfactory for all the groups involved: it helped the students to lose the fear of the subject and to improve their learning, relying on a more applied and easy to understand methodology, fostering interest in science and approaching the reality of the classroom. At the same time, the exchange of ideas between the different levels of the educational com-munity was favored.