Elementos esenciales de los entornos profesionales enfermeros en Atención Primaria y su influencia en la calidad del cuidado

  1. Vicente Gea-Caballero
  2. Enrique Castro-Sánchez
  3. Raúl Júarez-Vela
  4. Miguel Ángel Díaz-Herrera
  5. Isabel de Miguel-Montoya
  6. José Ramón Martínez-Riera
Enfermería clínica

ISSN: 1130-8621

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 28

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 27-35

Mota: Artikulua

beta Ver similares en nube de resultados

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enfermería clínica


Objectives Nursing work environments are key determinants of care quality. Our study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of nursing environments in primary care settings in the Canary Islands, and identify crucial components of such environments to improve quality. Method We conducted a cross-sectional study in primary care organisations using the Practice Environment Scale - Nursing Work Index tool. We collected sociodemographic variables, scores, and selected the essential items conducive to optimal care. Appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used to analyse relations between variables (CI = 95%, error = 5%). Results One hundred and forty-four nurses participated. The mean total score was 81.6. The results for the five dimensions included in the Practice Environment Scale - Nursing Work Index ranged from 2.25 - 2.92 (Mean). Twelve key items for quality of care were selected; six were positive in the Canary Islands, two were mixed, and four negative. 7/12 items were included in Dimension 2 (fundamentals of nursing). Being a manager was statistically associated with higher scores (p<.000). Years of experience was inversely associated with scores in the 12 items (p<.021). Conclusions Nursing work environments in primary care settings in the Canary Islands are comparable to others previously studied in Spain. Areas to improve were human resources and participation of nurses in management decisions. Nurse managers must be knowledgeable about their working environments so they can focus on improvements in key dimensions.

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