La interminable configuración del derecho fundamental a la integridad física

  1. Pascual Medrano, Amelia
Revista española de derecho constitucional

ISSN: 0211-5743

Année de publication: 2018

Año: 38

Número: 114

Pages: 47-72

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18042/CEPC/REDC114.02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Revista española de derecho constitucional

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The subject-matter of the right to physical integrity has undergone very significant changes as of late. The inviolability and non-availability of our own body, based upon the classic idea that identifies the person with his or her body, does not provide a global juridical answer to a troublesome environment that is becoming ever more complex: the human body as an entity conceived of as a whole, the human body parts, the body as something natural or artificial, or as an entity producing different outputs… The human body requires a specific and independent juridical regulation which challenges the assumptions made by the widely acknowledged fundamental right to physical integrity.

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