Dos nuevos yacimientos con huellas de dinosaurio en la transición Jurásico-Cetácico entre los grupos de Tera y Oncalacuenca de Cameros Oriental. La Rioja (España)

  1. Pedro Ansorena Conde
  2. Raúl Sesma Jimeno
  3. Angélica Torices Hernández
  4. Enrique Requeta Loza
  5. Juan Carlos Pereda Olásolo
  6. Arturo Fernández Ortega
  7. Féliz Pérez-Lorente

ISSN: 0213-4306

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Zenbakia: 35

Orrialdeak: 13-26

Mota: Artikulua

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Beste argitalpen batzuk: Zubía

Gordailu instituzionala: lock_openSarbide irekia Editor


We describe two new sites with dinosaur ichnites situated on the west part of Cameros Basin. Ichnites have been classified as being produced by theropods in one of the sites and by, possibly, sauropods in the other. Sites are little significative regarding the identification of the footprints. However, they are important regarding the implications of finding dinosaur ichnites in the carbonate formations belonging to Oncala Group and/or Tera and Oncala Groups, depending on the ubication of Magaña Formation