Phonetic Acquisition of Spanish as a Second LanguageSome Games and Activities

  1. Fernando García Andreva 1
  1. 1 Universidad de La Rioja

    Universidad de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


Docencia e Investigación: revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Toledo

ISSN: 1133-9926

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Jahr: 40

Nummer: 25

Seiten: 27-46

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Docencia e Investigación: revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Toledo


Teaching pronunciation is an essential part of second language acquisition. However, its development in the classroom, as well as the level of phonetic correction sought, has a low frequency and intensity, as a consequence, largely but not only, of the relevance and extent of the Communicative Approach. In spite of being an essential part of linguistic competence and, therefore, of communication itself, this approach makes the concept of intelligibility prevail against correction. In the same vein, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages devotes a brief paragraph to it, although, it must be said, it shows more contents with regard to correction than would be expected from their particular perspective. Given this context, possibly very recognizable to many teachers today, this paper brings together some brief reflections on aspects of the task of teaching pronunciation through phonetic correction, including some internal factors that are conditioned by training, setting and consolidation of articulation habits of the target language, with particular attention to affectivity. Taking these factors into consideration, the development of oral skills and, specifically, of phonetic competence seems to fully justify the implementation of an entertaining approach. Through enjoyable activities, a relaxed and motivational environment promotes the learning, progress and strengthening of oral comprehension and expression skills. Therefore, with a practical purpose, this study displays some games and activities aimed at the perception and production of segmental and suprasegmental phonetic contents in the Spanish language.

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