Programa Didáctico para Analizar el Rendimiento de la Combustión en Salas de CalderasCOMBUSTIÓN V 1.0
- Morales Ortíz, María del Pilar 1
- Juárez Castelló, Manuel C. 1
- Ruiz de Adana Santiago, Manuel María 1
Universidad de La Rioja
ISSN: 1699-4574
Ano de publicación: 1999
Número: 14
Tipo: Artigo
beta Ver similares en nube de resultadosOutras publicacións en: IE Comunicaciones: Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa
A recent software is developed to study and analyze the phenomena of combustion that takes place in domestic boilers. The development has been made to test the energy efficiency of domestic heating system boilers in La Rioja community and the study is supported by the local natural gas supplier. External data from measurement analyzer is used to compute and determine the efficiency of domestic boilers, and a report is generated that includes the results of the test, environmental effects and adequate degree of compliance to the national.