El I Centenario de la Guerra de la Independencia a través del diario " La Rioja"Historia y Tradición

  1. Viguera Ruiz, Rebeca
Spagna contemporanea

ISSN: 1121-7480

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 37

Pages: 23-50

Type: Article

More publications in: Spagna contemporanea


The Valle Medio of river Ebro, and especially the area currently covered by the La Rioja province, was a strategic enclave in Napoleon�s military operations during the Spanish War of Independence (1808-1813). As a result of this, imperial forces were constantly present in the region and the population reacted against the con- flict, due to the socio-political consequences and the economic hardships they suffered because of the war. This article briefly examines these issues in the light of the I centenary of Spain�s final victory in the war, as celebrated in the Logroño province (currently La Rioja). The pages of a local newspaper of the early XX century, however, also depict the suffering and claims of the population in the early years of the XIX century. Thus, the experience of individual protagonists as reported by the press becomes the subject of research and provides a better insight into the scope of the war.