Armonización del desarrollo en la prematuridad y el bajo peso al nacer mediante programas de Atención Tempranadesde el nacimiento hasta los tres años

  1. Milla Romero, Maria Gracia
Supervised by:
  1. Julio Pérez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 January 2016

  1. Sylvia Sastre Riba Chair
  2. Alfredo G. Brito de la Nuez Secretary
  3. F. Mulas Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 122385 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


Being born prematurely and with low birth weight involves significant risks for the survival in the first months of life and increases the chances of suffering developmental disorders or disabilities. The morbidity and mortality related to preterm and low birth weight childbirth, can result in serious individual consequences both in the familiar and social system. To treat theses problem, it is needed that specialized resources were available from the childbirth. This research intends to analyze the evolution of preterm babies and low birth weight babies in six areas of development (motor, communication, language, cognitive, behavioral and emotional), when they are undergoing a Programs of Early Intervention in a Child Development and Early Intervention Centre (CDIAT). Consequently, it is tried to verify whether the mentioned programs of Early Intervention can harmonize the developmental outcomes of these children with biological risk and can increase the level of satisfaction of families. In this study participated 57 children who are undergoing programs of Early Intervention (N=57), in CDIAT APADIS (Villena), since the birth or the hospital discharge. At the ages of 18 and 36 months, the "Inventory of Development Batelle" was used to assess the level of development reached in every area by the infants. At the same time, for evaluating the family's satisfaction a designed ad hoc survey was administrated. The results showed, as expected, that infants discharged at 18 months were principally late preterm babies, the moderate ones, and those of low birth weight; whereas those who continued with the treatment up to 36 months predominantly were extreme preterm babies, very premature, those born with extreme low birth weight and with very low birth weight. Related to pathologies, the vast majority of babies who received treatment until 36 months of age suffered cerebral pathology (periventricular leukomalacia, epilepsy or seizure disorder). Babies undergoing intervention until 18 months old had a minor number of associated pathologies. Specifically, 100 % of infants showing a maximum of two pathologies were discharged in the CDIAT with 18 months old, whereas 100 % of the children with three or more associated pathologies had to continue the treatment up to 36 months of age. Regarding backing at school, most of infants were enrolled in educational ordinary schools (93 %), no need supports (66'7 %) and attained normalized grades (80'7 %). The results obtained in the variable "Total Progress at 36 months" indicate that the children show a better approximation to the normalization than those achieved at 18 months old. All the averages of developmental variables assessed were positive, proving an improvement in all the developmental areas. As for as family satisfaction with Early Intervention Programs, the results showed a satisfaction percentage exceeding 70 %. This data involves the process of reception and diagnosis, the intervention carried out with the child and the family intervention. The results lead us to the conclusion that Early Intervention Programs carried out in the CDIAT, for babies born prematurely and with low birth weight, beside involving the active participation of families, has an harmonizing effect on the infant development, appraised in all developmental areas. Consequently, these programs become a fundamental cornstone for creating compensation and optimization of the developmental process of these infants.