La narrativa medieval y la promoción de la competencia interculturalun análisis de contenido sobre lecturas para Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato

  1. Montaner Bueno, Andres
Supervised by:
  1. Amando López Valero Director
  2. Isabel Jerez Martínez Director
  3. Eduardo Encabo Fernández Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 05 February 2016

  1. Gabriel Núñez Ruiz Chair
  2. Aurora Martínez Ezquerro Secretary
  3. María del Mar Campos Fernández-Fígares Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT This completed dissertation belongs to the academic field of reading and interculturality in secondary and high school education. The fundamental goals we seek in carrying out this research are two: the first focuses on proposing a shift regarding the medieval readings texts of the 13th and 14th century suggested in the curricula of the third year of Secondary Education and first year of High School, with the purpose of offering the students a more reliable take on the literature and society of the period. The second endeavours to encourage the students to analyse and be acquainted with the Middle Age Spanish texts of eastern origins from a more eclectic viewpoint, by which the development in values education and the intercultural communicative competence is encouraged. In order to achieve these aims, this doctoral dissertation has been divided into six chapters -the first three establishing a theoretical framework and the following three of an empirical nature- throughout which a didactic model of activities is posed. This aforementioned model has been designed in order to provide a comprehensive education of the students based on three different types -of knowledge of the medieval period, of values education and of the betterment of intercultural awareness-. Although these can be attained separately, they make more sense when interconnecting and combining the skills and abilities required for their acquirement. In regard to the research methodology for the collection and classification of the intercultural educative values, the practice of documentary analysis known as "content analysis" has been applied. Owing to its implementation, the number and nature of the values contained in the texts have been determined, and thus the more suitable tales have been selected for use in the classrooms. In order to do so, we have refined the contents of the texts and derived from their pages a corpus made up of twenty-five fables and exempla. We have followed criteria such as the variety of narrative plots, the adequacy of the themes to the interests of the target age of the students, and their own innovative possibilities as didactic proposals compared to previous studies. The results obtained by the qualitative and quantitative analysis in the anthology of selected works has provided us with the five exempla and five tales most suited for the crafting of a didactic intervention proposal in the third year of Secondary Education and first year of High School's classrooms. In conjunction with these works and so as to facilitate the study of medieval literature we have outlined a set of activities based on interculturality and values education. We have elaborated four texts -two fables and two exempla- for Secondary Education level and six -three fables and three exempla- for High School level. The already mentioned activities are encompassed within the development of the three thematic aspects that have structured our doctoral dissertation, which are the acquisition of knowledge of the medieval period, the attainment of a set of exemplary values and of the growth of intercultural communicative competence.