La literaturización de la historia en el proceso canónico del Rey San Fernando. Edición y estudio de el Cerco de Sevilla por el Rey Don Fernando, de Luis de Belmonte Bermúdez

  1. Poo Gallardo, Pablo Antonio
Dirigida per:
  1. Piedad Bolaños Donoso Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 05 de de febrer de 2016

  1. María de las Mercedes Borrero Fernández President/a
  2. Francisco Domínguez Matito Secretari
  3. Mercedes de los Reyes Peña Vocal
  4. Pedro Manuel Piñero Ramírez Vocal
  5. Juan Matas Caballero Vocal

Tipus: Tesi

Teseo: 398498 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


The main objectives of this work focus on updating biographical and bibliographical data of Luis de Belmonte Bermúdez, and on the edition and study of his comedy El cerco de Sevilla, unpublished for the almost four centuries after his creation. To do this, we have used the studies on the life of Belmonte published mainly in the twentieth century, adding new biographical documents coming to shed light on certain obscure points in the life of Belmonte. The edition of the manuscript has a marked approach of textual modernization to facilitate his diffusion throughout educational contexts. Meanwhile, the study of the work is structured both on a purely textual block (rhetorical, metrical and linguistic study) and another one focused on theatrical pragmatics (dramatic time and space, semiotics of the characters, historical material and religious matters).