Elaboración y evaluación de "tareas matemático-literarias" para mejorar la comprensión en 3.º de la ESO

  1. González Fernández, José Luis
Supervised by:
  1. Ana Caballero Carrasco Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 19 January 2016

  1. Lorenzo J. Blanco Nieto Chair
  2. Janeth Amparo Cárdenas Lizarazo Secretary
  3. Clara Jiménez Gestal Committee member
  4. Luis M. Casas García Committee member
  5. Margarita Marín Rodríguez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 399190 DIALNET


Being qualified in Maths involves, generally, being able to reason, communicate, solve problems and connect Maths with the real world. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of learning how to solve problems, implying to acquire the ability to reason, communicate and connect mathematically different conceptual aspects. That is not always achieved in the classrooms with the nowadays learners, just because of several reasons: some are conceptual, as the high level of abstraction of the mathematical contents; and others are attitudinal, since its exercise demands motivation, effort and tenacity, among other issues. We propose as a general aim to elaborate didactic materials from literary texts which help improve the understanding of Maths problems statements in Secondary Education (ESO) and to determine the effectiveness of those materials from the application of the same ones to the students of this level. To carry out this experience we have chosen to mix qualitative and quantitative methods. Some of the obtained results are: the increase of the strategies which help students understand the problem statements, highlighting significant improvements referring to indicators as the problem statements re-reading, data identification, realization of representations and analysis of the questions which arise from problem statements ; we have achieved that the students become interested in this type of activities and in this way of working, because they learn in a different way and this is new for them.