Catalogación sistemática y análisis de las técnicas extendidas en el violín en los últimos treinta años del ámbito musical español
- Antequera Antequera, Mª Carmen
- Teresa Cascudo García-Villaraco Directora
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de La Rioja
Fecha de defensa: 25 de mayo de 2015
- Jorge Salgado Correia Presidente/a
- Pablo L. Rodríguez Fernández Secretario
- José Río Pareja Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
This research aims to systematically catalog the extended techniques that have been written for the violin in the last thirty years in the Spanish area. These techniques have been compiled in Sixteen hundred works by Spanish composers and composers who have resided in Spain or have been linked to some Spanish Festival. This thesis shows the perspective of the performer and the issues it faces in addressing current music creation. The contextualization of the studied works and composers and their approach to issues related to current music creation have also been very important in the development of this thesis.