Uso y fomento del árido reciclado en hormigón estructural como oportunidad de mejora medioambiental y económicaaplicación a la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja
- Navarro Calderón, Álvaro
- Eliseo Pablo Vergara González Director
Defence university: Universidad de La Rioja
Fecha de defensa: 28 July 2014
- Francisco Javier Martínez de Pisón Ascacíbar Chair
- Francisco José Suárez Domínguez Secretary
- Jorge Luis García Alcaraz Committee member
Type: Thesis
In recent years more effective management of natural resources we have are increasing and that are why society is becoming more aware of the environment. This paper deals with this issue from the point of view of construction and specifically the aggregates sector, focusing in La Rioja. To do this, we first analyze the characteristics that required the recycled aggregates, and regulations that apply them, and makes a comparison with the regulations that exists in other countries, mainly in Europe. In the next part it is analyzes the situation of natural and recycled aggregates, first in various European countries, where most of them there is a tax on the extraction of natural aggregate, which has an environmental purpose, the reduction extraction of this material. It will also analyze the situation in other parts of Spain, and finally analyze the situation in La Rioja, the amount of extraction plants, recovery and landfill plants, their situation, their ability and their actual use and analysis its prices to know where is more viable the use of natural aggregates or the recycled one. To ensure that it is possible to use these recycled aggregates, recycled aggregate obtained from some plants of La Rioja will be analyzed, and undertake trials to measure the resistance, absorption, density and verify if it is possible to use these aggregates. This is convenient because the aggregates obtained on each processing plant are different, first because of the method used to obtain them and secondly because the source material is never uniform as it depends on their origin and the type of the Construction Waste belongs. The conclusion reached is that it is possible to use these recycled aggregates for structural use and other purposes, which have less demanding. But, in order to make this possible it is necessary that different parties get involved and taking action in the short term may not like but need to safeguard our resources.